History of School

The school was established in July 2014 with the appointment of the first dean, Prof. Stanley N. Mutsotso. Since then the school has grown both in the culture and the structure. In terms of culture, a board has been constituted and it is functional. The number of post graduate students has grown since then. At close of 2014/2015 academic year, there were 201 students. Processing of research proposals has been steady and general mood of the students is good. Graduate academic integrity policy has been approved by the University College Academic Board and they have been uploaded to the University College Website. In terms of structure, the school has grown in bounds for the last one year. Classroom specially set aside for post graduate students have been established with special facilities to provide comfort to the students and enhance Instructional process.

Spacious offices with state of the art furniture have been purchased. Of course more needs to be done to provide shelves and cupboards. SGS boardroom has also been allocated to the school with capacity of about 80 and well furnished. A store room for safe custody of students proposals and thesis have also been allocated to the school and it is in use. The dean has worked hand in hand with deputy university librarian to ensure adequate library resources are availed to the graduate students. To this end, a post graduate only section has been created in the library to further this objective.