Master of Information Technology

Name Reg. No Title Supervisors
Dennis Karugu Gichuki MIT/0013/13 System Virtualization For Green Usable Information Technology Deployment In Public Universities In Kenya
  1. Dr. Alice Wechuli Nambiro, PhD
  2. Prof. Franklin Wabwoba, PhD


The activities of public universities in Kenya today are heavily dependent on software and hence, the systems hosting them. This has resulted in an increased hardware acquisition. However, lack of proper technology to implement and deploy IT penalizes universities with increased costs and causes them to suffer technical difficulties. This has resulted to wasteful utilization of resources and hence the need for a green usable IT deployment framework in universities. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for sustainable deployment of ICT in Public universities in Kenya. This will be achieved through evaluating system virtualization technologies and their performance as well as formulating and validating a virtualization framework for enhancing green usable IT deployment in public universities in Kenya. The study will use mixed research design which will include a survey and quasi-experiment. Data collection methods and tools will include observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (regression and correlation). The outcome of this study will include a documentation of virtualization technologies used in universities, documentation on the impact of system virtualization on sustainable IT deployment in Kenyan universities, system virtualization framework for enhancing sustainable IT deployment, thesis on system virtualization as well as a contribution to the world body of knowledge about system virtualization. From the findings, a framework for sustainable integration of ICT in universities will be developed. The findings of this study will provide information that can be used in policy formulation and a better understanding of system virtualization in relation to green IT deployment.