Master of Information Technology

Name Reg. No Title Supervisors
Rose Nakhanu Kapukha MIT/006/12 Investigation of Determinants of ICT Electronic Waste Management in Kenyan Public Universities
  1. Dr. Samuel Mbugua
  2. Mr. Juma Kilwake


ICT E-waste is one of the fastest growing solid waste streams around the world today due to the intensive utilization of ICT in various sectors of the economy. The amount of e-waste generated by Kenyan Universities is increasing at a rate of more than 100% per annum due to the continued increase in the use of computers and other related devices. However, about 40% of the e-waste generated remains in stores for years before disposal due to lack of proper e-waste management systems. The purpose of the study is to investigate the determinants of ICT Electronic Waste Management in Kenyan Public Universities. The objectives of the study are: determining the factors that contribute to ICT electronic waste in Kenyan Public Universities; determining how universities are managing there electronic waste; analyzing the shortcomings of the existing electronic waste management frameworks and developing an enhanced framework for its management in Kenyan public universities. Survey research design will be used in the study. The total population of the ICT staff, Adminstrative staff, Procurement and Management officers in the two full fledged public universities and one University Constituent College to be covered by the study will be 1002. Purposive and simple random sampling will be used to select 233 respondents which icludes 97 adminstrative staff, 45 ICT staff, 49 procurement staff and 42 Management staff. The data collection instruments to be used are observation, content analysis,questionnaires and interviews. Research instruments will be tested for validity using construct and face validity while test-retest will be used to test for reliability upon carrying out a pilot study at Kibabii University College. The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as correlation and multiple regression. The expected output are the determinants of ICT e-waste Management that will improve the handling of ICT electronic waste in Kenyan Public Universities and the Country at large.