Thesis Tittle: Markovian Modelling of Students Performance by Cohorts in Secondary School: A Case of Butere Girls
Student’s Name: Everlyne Nyangano Amwayi
Performance contracting (PC) in Kenya can be traced back to 1993 when the government started implementing public sector reforms, Kenya’s Vision 2030 has recognized Pamong the key strategies to strengthening public administration and service delivery. In public secondary schools, the teachers have to undergo a continuous Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA) which forms part of the Performance Contract that the Principal signs as a binding agreement between the school and the government. The purpose of this study was to determine the Teacher Performance Appraisal Environment on the implementation of Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Bungoma County. The specific objectives were; to establish the relationship between Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) policy and implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal, to determine the effect of Teacher Appraisal Performance Tools on implementation of Performance Appraisal, investigate the influence of Teacher Perception on Teacher Performance Appraisal Development in implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal, examine the challenges faced in implementing Teacher Performance Appraisals and establish the moderating influence of organizational culture in the relationship between Teacher Performance Appraisal Environment and implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal in public secondary schools. The study was guided by the goal setting theory developed by Ebeclin and Tatum. Descriptive research design was adopted with both qualitative and quantitative data collected for analysis. The study targeted 2541 respondents drawn among Principals and teachers in secondary schools. The study sample included 405 respondents, Probability sampling; specifically stratified random sampling was used to pick the schools included in the sample. National schools being only 2 in the County were purposively sampled; systematic random sampling was used to select the other 76 schools in the study sample. The 78 principals were purposively sampled while 327 teachers were randomly sampled. The instruments were given to experts and other researchers to ascertain the validity. A pilot test was done to determine the reliability of the instruments. Data collection was done using interview schedules and questionnaires. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics; One way ANOVA was used to compare the variance in the group means. Findings were presented using tables. The study provides useful information and foresight for TSC, Principals and other education sector stakeholders on appraisal environment and its effect on teacher appraisal. The study found that TPAD Policy does influence the implementation of TPAD in secondary schools; the TPAD Tools does affect the implementation of TPAD, the teacher perceptions influence on implementation of TPAD, in secondary schools in Bungoma County. The study too established that the appraisal environment does influence the implementation of TPAD; the organizational culture moderates the relationship between TPAD appraisal environment and implementation of TPAD in secondary schools in Bungoma County. The study recommends that: Teachers be sensitized and capacity built on TPAD to enhance their understanding of the practice. Teachers should take opportunities for peer learning to reflect and refine their own quality assurance processes and that teachers too can keep a diary to record thoughts about daily Classroom and outdoor activities.
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