Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

Name Reg. No Title Supervisors
Ismail Ong’eta Issa MBA/011/12 Determinants Of Growth Of Savings And Credit Co-Operative Societies In Kakamega County, Kenya
  1. Dr.Wanyama Kadian Wanyonyi
  2. Dr. Okumu Argan Wekesa


Past empirical studies have shown that lack of sufficient growth of Savings and Credit Co-operatives Societies has made it difficult for them to absorb their operational losses and even give returns to their members, this has threatened their operations and hence some of them ended up closing doors. This study therefore will focus on the determinants of growth of savings and credit co-operative societies in Kakamega County. The specific objectives of study are; to determine how financial constrains affect the growth of SACCOs in Kakamega county, to examine the effect of investment by SACCOs on growth of SACCOs in Kakamega county, to assess the effect of information dissemination on growth of SACCOs, to establish how loan portfolio quality affect the growth of SACCOs in Kakamega county and modern portfolio theory as propagated by Harry Markowitz(1952) will guide the study. Both qualitative and Quantitative approaches will be instrumental in this study. The study will use 19 SACCOs in Kakamega County that have a target population of 500 managerial and administrative staff. Simple random and purposive sampling will be applied and a sample size of 150 respondents will be drawn for this study. Data will be collected by use of the questionnaire and interview schedule for Branch managers. The research instruments will be tested for its appropriateness in terms of reliability and validity. Reliability and validity will be tested by use of test and retest approach. Data will be analyzed by use of both descriptive and inferential statistics, correlations and multiple regressions will be used. The findings will be presented in form of frequency tables, bar graphs and pie charts. The study is expected to provide vital data on the determinants of growth of savings and credit co-operative societies to the Government of Kenya specifically the Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development. Moreover, the findings may be useful to the management, employees and other stakeholders in the SACCOs.