Master of Information Technology

Name Reg. No Title Supervisors
Isaac Barasa Batoya MIT/005/12 Social Technical Integration Framework on ICT Readiness for Primary Schools
  1. Dr. Franklin Wabwoba
  2. Mr. Juma Kilwake


Since the 1980s integration of ICT in education has been compulsory in the developed nations where the access rate is one computer to 15 students. In developing nations such as Kenya it is more recent and experimental with the access rate of one computer to 150 students. Many government efforts and private initiatives tried to address ICT integration in the school level by carving out policies and strategies, providing computers and Internet access. Despite the huge investment in ICT infrastructure, equipment and professional development for teachers by the government and schools, developed countries have reported up to 41% of integration of ICT to teaching and learning, the proportion remains substantially low in Africa, Kenya included. This raises questions as to how well the integration is being done and how ready the environment is, if less than 40% of the available ICT infrastructure are used. The purpose of this study is to develop a Social Technical Integration Framework on assessing ICT Readiness for Primary Schools and provide a way forward for effective and efficient use of ICT in Education. To achieve this purpose the study shall endeavor to analyze social technical factors, determine the levels of ICT integration and develop a social technical integration framework on ICT Readiness for Primary Schools. The study will use mixed method. The target population of the study will consist of 805 Head teachers, 9000 teachers, one TSC County Director of Education (TCDE) and one County Director of Education (CDE) from Bungoma County. The study sample will consist of 39 head teachers, 390 teachers, one CDE and one TCDE. Head teachers and Teachers will be selected using simple random sampling technique, TCDE and CDE will be selected using saturated sampling technique. The study will use questionnaires and interview schedules as research instruments. To ensure face and content validity of the research instruments, experts in ICT and Education from the school of Computing and Informatics, Kibabii University College will be consulted. Pilot study will be conducted in 2 schools and Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient will be used to determine the reliability of the questionnaires at alpha level of significance of 0.05. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected and analyzed. Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. While qualitative data will be analyzed thematically. The findings of this study shall inform primary schools on efficient implementation of ICT integration in teaching/learning and inform policy making with regard to ICT integration. It will propose a framework for efficient implementation of ICT integration in Education while contributing to the world of knowledge.