Thesis Title: Integration of Information Communication Technology Instructional Resources on Learners’ Motivation and Achievement in Chemistry Practicals in Secondary Schools in Kenya
Student’s Name: Titus Sifuna Munene
1.Prof. Stanley Mutsotso
2.Dr. Edwin Masibo
Instructional resources are meant to build the teaching and learning capacity by creating the suitable conditions for learning. These resources make teaching and learning easier and invoke curiosity, which triggers learners to carry out different tasks to solve diverse problems and progress in various domains. Instructional Technologists propose a wider range of stimulating and exciting materials to be used in teaching to ensure that learners are actively involved in the learning process. The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate the influence of integration of ICT instructional resources on learners’ motivation and achievement in chemistry practical in secondary schools in Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine the types of ICT instructional resources utilized in learning of chemistry practical in secondary schools; to establish the perception of teachers and learners towards use of ICT instructional resources in teaching and learning of chemistry practical in secondary schools; to determine the relationship between selection and use of ICT instructional resources and learner achievement in chemistry practical in secondary schools and to document the challenges of integration of ICT instructional resources in secondary schools. The study was conducted in the Bungoma County. Descriptive survey design were utilized in this study. The target population was teachers of chemistry; form three learners and heads of institutions in the secondary schools in the Bungoma County. Stratified random sampling was used to select the schools from which respondents were chosen, the main stratum was the category of schools according to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Simple random sampling was applied to select chemistry teachers, and learners in the sampled schools. Data was collected using questionnaires, document analysis, interview schedule and observation schedule. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings show that computers, smartphones, projectors were available for use in the teaching and learning of chemistry practical; the perception that ICT instructional resources when used would motivate teachers and learners to teach and learn chemistry practical; the teachers and learners were motivated when ICT was utilized in teaching and learning of chemistry practical and improved results were achieved and the challenges of integration of ICT in teaching and learning chemistry practical were documented into four main categories namely; electricity related, hardware related, software related and network related. These challenges could be surmounted as discussed in this study. The conclusion drawn from these findings is that integration of ICT has led to increased teachers’ and learners ’motivation and achievement. The recommendations made from this study are that heads of institutions should be good managers of ICT to ensure that they benefit both teachers of chemistry and learners. The educational stakeholders also have similar duty to perform.
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