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Implementation Of Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Standards And Their Effect On Participation In Education Among Boarding Secondary Schools In Bungoma County, Kenya

THESE TITLE: Implementation Of Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Standards And Their Effect On Participation In Education Among Boarding Secondary Schools In Bungoma County, Kenya

STUDENT NAME: Wambeye Kimweli Marakia

1. Dr. Duncan Wasike Wekesa
2. Dr. Paul Ong’anyi Obino

Adequate access to water, hygiene and sanitation is every human’s and child’s right. School water, sanitation and hygiene seem inadequate in Kenyan schools in terms of facilities and hygiene practices; the management, operation and maintenance of these facilities also remain a major issue for schools; affecting student health, well-being,
performance and participation at school. The Specific objectives of the study were to establish the level of water access in schools, to determine the degree of Water quality in schools, to establish the level of student toilet ratio in schools, to ascertain the mechanism of waste management in schools and finally, to establish the level of school water governance in schools with the aim of establishing their effect on student’s participation in education in Bungoma county. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design approach. The study was carried out in Bungoma county boarding secondary school because they cater for students who, for various reasons, are unable to return home each day. In boarding schools, all meals, sleeping accommodation and washing facilities are provided. It is therefore of critical importance that water, sanitation and hygiene enabling facilities are adequate. A sample of sixty five (65) boarding secondary schools were chosen to take part in the study. Stratified sampling was employed in choosing the Schools from the targeted population of 83 boarding secondary schools. The study used
questionnaires, interview schedules, document analysis and observation schedule to gather data. The questionnaires were pilot-tested in five (5) schools in Bungoma County. Reliability was determined using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r), a reliability of r = +0.73 was obtained. Standard multiple linear regressions at ?= .05 was used to examine water access, water quality, waste disposal, student toilet ratio and water governance to see if it could predict participation in education in school. The overall model as a whole was not able to significant predict the impact of water access, water quality, waste management and water governance on participation in education. However, there was significant impact of student toilet ratio on participation in education. The study therefore recommends that: the Ministry of Education should Link up individuals, institutions, organizations or programmes that provide water in schools with aim of making provision of water in schools attainable. School managers with the help of Quality Assurance and Standards Officers from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health officers be responsible for making sure that water is safe. This
includes protecting the source at the school from contamination, regularly testing and reporting monitoring results. Ministry of Health officers and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers from the Ministry of Education pay frequent visits to schools to inspect and ensure that policy guidelines concerning WASH are followed. Specifically they should ensure: Clean water with an adequate number of tap stands is provided within
easy reach of all students to guard against health hazards. Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) re-structure the curriculum to include waste management in the school curriculum specifically, school managers and administrators should ensure that they engage school related groups including science classes, environmental clubs to encourage students to make waste recycling a part of their everyday life.

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